Sign up for SCANA Energy and receive the LOWEST price for two winters: 32.9¢/therm. Use code LOWEST by Dec. 19 to start saving.
Use code GP100 when you sign up for service with SCANA Energy.
What are my payment options?
SCANA Energy makes paying your natural gas bill simple and convenient. Whether you prefer to pay online, by phone, via mail or in-person, SCANA Energy has a bill payment option for you.
How do I read my gas bill?
Most natural gas bills are broken down into a few main categories: account summary, calculating gas usage, current charges, and your gas usage history. Check out our step-by-step guide for understanding your bill. If you’re a SCANA Energy customer, you can learn more and see a sample bill here.
What is an AGL Pass-Through Charge?
The AGL Pass-Through Charge is a charge from Atlanta Gas Light (AGL) for maintaining pipelines, delivering gas to your home, and reading meters. This charge is regulated by the Georgia Public Service Commission and required to be passed directly on to the customer, no matter which natural gas marketer you choose.
What is the difference between a fixed rate plan and a variable rate plan? How does this impact my natural gas bill?
Our customers are unique, so our plans should be, too. Whether you’re a short-term house renter or a long-time home owner, our fixed and variable rate plans are designed to give you the best possible option.
Our variable rate plans do not require a contract, meaning the price per therm will change month-to-month, fluctuating with the current gas market.
If you like to rest easy knowing your price won’t vary from month to month, our fixed rate plan is for you. This plan locks in the price per therm for the length of the contract, allowing customers to budget for their natural gas bills each month and mitigate the risk of any marketplace fluctuations. SCANA Energy offers fixed rate plans for 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months for the greater Atlanta area.
Why is my natural gas bill so high this month?
While there are multiple factors, your natural gas bill is primarily determined by how much natural gas you’re using. Your usage can vary by the season, so check out the average therm usage per month in Georgia to understand how seasonality can impact your bill.
Even if you have the heat turned off, you may still be using natural gas in a few ways:
Your natural gas bill will also include an AGL Pass-Through Charge, which is passed on directly to the customer no matter which gas marketer you choose or how much natural gas you used that particular month.
Which months can you expect to use the most natural gas?
As the weather cools down, you may find your natural gas bill rising. Why? Many appliances that use natural gas – including fireplaces, water heaters and furnaces – are used more frequently during the colder months. This means that the average Georgia resident burns the most natural gas in the winter, with usage peaking in January.
Does SCANA Energy offer any discounts?
Absolutely! We love helping our customers save, whether through bill credits, gift cards, energy saving tips and more. Here are just a few ways you can save on your energy bill with SCANA Energy:
See All Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Other questions? Call the SCANA Energy Contact Center at 1.877.467.2262 Monday through Friday from 7am to 8pm and Saturday from 8am to 5pm
Find a rate that's perfect for you here.
Switching to SCANA Energy?
Call us at 1.877.467.2262
Want to change rate plans?
Start service up to 90 days before your move.
Less than 3,000 therms per year? (retail shop, etc.)
See Rates
More than 3,000 therms per year?
The highlighted counties are eligible for fixed rates, as certain rates are not available in all locations.*
*For further information regarding availability, please call 1.877.467.2262.