You sign up online or call us to start your natural gas service.
We provide natural gas rate plans and billing.
We answer service and account questions.
They own and maintain the natural gas pipelines.
For gas leaks or any issues with a gas pipeline, call AGL immediately.
They read your natural gas meter.
Why Atlanta Gas Light? While customers are free to choose who to work with to set up and manage their natural gas service, Atlanta Gas Light (AGL) owns and maintains the natural gas pipelines in this area of Georgia.
What is the AGL Pass-Through Charge on my bill? This is the fee AGL charges for delivering gas to your home. This charge is required to be passed through to customers, no matter which Georgia natural gas marketer you choose.
Switching to SCANA Energy?
Call us at 1.877.467.2262
Want to change rate plans?
Start service up to 90 days before your move.
Less than 3,000 therms per year? (retail shop, etc.)
See Rates
More than 3,000 therms per year?
The highlighted counties are eligible for fixed rates, as certain rates are not available in all locations.*
*For further information regarding availability, please call 1.877.467.2262.