Log in to your account to see options or call 1.877.467.2262.
Want to choose a different natural gas rate plan?
Call 1.877.467.2262.
Your current natural gas rate plan is displayed on your bill in the "Current Charges" section.
You may either log in to your online account or call 1.877.467.2262. You must be within the renewal window to avoid an early termination fee.
You will receive a letter or email (depending on your communication preferences) about one month before your fixed rate expires.
The end date for your current natural gas rate plan is located on your bill in the "Current Charges" section.
If you have a fixed rate plan, you can change it during your plan's renewal period.
Since variable rate plans don't have contracts, you don't need to renew them.
Switching to SCANA Energy?
Call us at 1.877.467.2262
Want to change rate plans?
Start service up to 90 days before your move.
Less than 3,000 therms per year? (retail shop, etc.)
See Rates
More than 3,000 therms per year?
The highlighted counties are eligible for fixed rates, as certain rates are not available in all locations.*
*For further information regarding availability, please call 1.877.467.2262.