
SCANA Energy Gives Back to Local Students

Jul 29, 2022, 09:05 by Caralin Stepp

To honor our commitment to serve the community, each month SCANA Energy makes a donation to a local organization. This month, the donation went to the SCANA Energy Homework Centers’ Back to School Campaign.

We asked the SCANA Energy community to support our homework centers, which are after-school programs at 10 schools in the metro area that help underserved children. Over the course of the campaign, SCANA Energy customers donated $2,890 to set the centers up for success this school year. SCANA Energy promised to match each donation made and rounded up to a $3,000 donation. So, a total of $5,890 was given to the homework centers to help provide the students with food, school supplies, academic programs/activities, and more.

Donations can be made to the SCANA Energy Homework Centers year-round. Visit if you’d like to donate or learn more.

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