Sign up for SCANA Energy and receive the LOWEST price for two winters: 32.9¢/therm. Use code LOWEST by Dec. 19 to start saving.
Use code GP100 when you sign up for service with SCANA Energy.
Natural gas is one of the safest and cleanest burning fossil fuels, with over 177 million Americans using it to warm their homes, heat their food and power their appliances. But just as the use of electricity requires certain safety precautions, so too does the use of natural gas. Although extremely rare, natural gas leaks inside or outside your home could lead to fire or dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. Thankfully, natural gas leaks can be detected with a gas detector and the use of three senses: sight, sound and smell. At SCANA Energy, we care about your home safety. Here are four simple steps to help you and your family detect if there is a natural gas LEAK:
If you suspect a gas leak, leave the premises. Once you vacate, call 911 or Atlanta Gas Light at 770.907.4231 (inside metro Atlanta) or 1.877.427.4321 (outside metro Atlanta) to report it.
As one of the best natural gas companies in Atlanta, we care about your safety. We recommend you bookmark this page, print out our handy infographic or take our gas leak symptoms quiz so you can stay aware of LEAKs!
Find a rate that's perfect for you here.
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Call us at 1.877.467.2262
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Start service up to 90 days before your move.
Less than 3,000 therms per year? (retail shop, etc.)
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More than 3,000 therms per year?
The highlighted counties are eligible for fixed rates, as certain rates are not available in all locations.*
*For further information regarding availability, please call 1.877.467.2262.